


Attività:dal 2015

Line up

  • H.: drums
  • Raash: guitars, bass, vocals
From the most remote crevices of the German extreme metal underworld comes Abkehr, a new black metal duo from northern Germany who’s genesis appears to have been sparked by unprecedented emotional and mental collapse and by an unfathomable pull toward absolute, devouring darkness. Formed in 2015 by sole masterminds Raash and H. with the intent of unifying the raw misanthropic grimness of the most praised Norwegian black metal tradition, the swarming majesty of US atmospheric black metal and the desperation of depressive black metal, Abkehr have been shaped by a diverse spectrum of influences, ranging from Darkthrone, Gorgoroth and Craft, to Cornigr, Mgła and Ash Borer.


Copertina 7,5
In Blut (Vàn Records / 2021) 

1. I / 2. II / 3. III / 4. IV

In Feuer (Independent / 2019) 

1. I / 2. II / 3. III / 4. IV

In Asche (Independent / 2017) 

1. I / 2. II / 3. III / 4. IV


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