Arkon come from Sardinia and theirs is a fiery, arcane and evocative sound that starting from the lesson of the undisputed masters Black Sabbath arrives at the sacred monsters of doom (Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Candlemass, Trouble) without disdaining the darker side of the NWOBHM ( early Iron Maiden, Angel Witch, Witchfinder General). All reworked thanks to the thousand-year-old culture of the island to which they belong, which emerges above all from the folk horror-inspired texts, all strictly in the Sardinian language, in which they tell of myths, demons, fairies and rural and archaic rituals of rural Sardinia. Arkon are Alberto Melis (vocals), Italo Pitzalis (guitar), Giuseppe Maisola (bass) and Angelo Ucheddu (drums).
Band photo provided by Doom Symphony / Underground Symphony Record for free promotional use.