King, Lance


Nazione:Stati Uniti
Attività:dal 1985

Line up

  • Lance King: vocals
A Metal vocalist doing shows since the early 80's, Lance began recording in 1989 with his band of the day GEMINI.

Former vocalist for bands such as PYRAMAZE (Denmark-USA) term 2003-2007 / BALANCE OF POWER (England-USA) term 1996 - 2003/ KINGS MACHINE-(USA) term 1993-1996 and GEMINI-(USA) term 1986-1993 (these four bands were his main bands through the years. Lance was also in a band before this from 1981-1986 called FREELANCE (though no material was ever released of their ruff demo's, this band was mainly a cover band that played across the Midwest.

Lance has been a part of many album projects during his career, sharing his voice and other talents of Songwriting, Artwork, Production, arrangement, and Mastering, and helping young indie bands get their albums to print and distribution.

Lance King started NIGHTMARE RECORDS in 1990 and has built this company, starting with one release to what is now an Internationally known Metal label and distribution network with online retail store with millions sold.


Copertina 7,5
A Moment in Chiros (Nightmare Records / 2011) 

1. 111. A SENSE OF URGENCY / 2. 222. AWAKENING / 3. 333. MANIFEST DESTINY / 4. 444. A GIVEN CHOICE / 5. 555. A MOMENT IN CHIROS / 6. 666. DANCE OF POWER / 7. 777. KIBOU ...


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