Secrets of the Sky



Nazione:Stati Uniti
Attività:dal 2010

Line up

  • Andrew Green: guitars
  • Clayton Bartholomew: guitars
  • Garett Gazay: vocals, keys
  • Ryan Healy: bass
  • Lance Lea: percussion
Oakland, California's Secrets of the Sky began life in 2010 when Chris Anderson (guitars, keys) and Clayton Bartholomew (guitars, keys) put their heads together and started writing material which would eventually shapeshift into what is currently the 'Secrets' sound... cinematic, cerebral, atmospheric post metal with doomy, proggy, blackened influences.
The two went through a number of drummers and bass players before finding the right fit in drummer Lance Lea in 2010, and bassist John Mananquil, third guitarist Andy Green and vocalist Garett Gazay in 2011. The line up wrote for in excess of a year and crafted the majority of the material which was to become 'To Sail Black Waters,' the band's first studio full length.
The six piece ensemble recorded 'To Sail Black Waters' over the course of eight months with engineer/producer Juan Urteaga (Testament, Machine Head, Cattle Decapitation, etc) at Trident Studios and began to play live shows throughout the Bay Area early in 2012.
Then. in 2015, the new album Pathway is released.


Copertina 6,5
Pathway (Metal Blade Records / 2015) 

1. I / 2. THREE SWORDS / 3. II / 4. ANGEL IN VINES / 5. ANOTHER LIGHT / 6. III / 7. IV / 8. GARDEN OF PRAYERS / 9. V / 10. FOSFOROS / 11. VI ...

Copertina 8
To Sail Black Waters (Kolony Records / 2013) 



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