Green Oracle


Attività:dal 2013

Line up

  • Thomas Santarsiero: bass
  • Matteo Anguillesi: guitar
  • Vanni Anguillesi: drums
Green Oracle is an italian shamanic, doom, stoner trio formed in Tuscany in 2013.
The philosophy of the band aims at exploring the primordial sound flows through a classic combo based on heavy bass, guitar and drums sounds with the addition of several voices and a variety of other instruments that emphasize the evocation of natural armonies.
After a first period of jamming and improvising the line up stabilized with Thomas, Matteo and Vanni respectively on bass, guitar and drums.
Additional vocals are interpreted by Giulia and the whole band.
Green Oracle started playing in a number of venues and events since late 2014, immediately having a good response from the crowd and some offers of collaboration. After several gigs opening for other italian bands such as Ufomammut and Appaloosa the compositions became more extense and defined, so the band felt ready to record a full lenght 3 tracks album.
The album had a long gestation, it was finally recorded and mixed in 2018 and ready to be released with Argonauta Records in 2019.


Copertina 7,5
Green Oracle (Argonauta Records / 2019) 



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