

Attività:dal 2006

Line up

  • Gianni: vocals
  • Matteo: guitars
  • Mauro: guitars, bass & keyboards
  • Nico: guitars
  • Alberto: bass & keyboards
  • Andrea: drums
Neronoia is a cooperation between Canaan & Colloquio
Neronoia is the mirror that reflects Happiness and Pain with the same, cold indifference.
Neronoia is the Fear that paralyzes by its light yet relentless touch.
Neronoia is all the Evil we do to ourselves.
Neronoia is the palette of a blind painter, who unintentionally paints all colours with the very same shades of grey.
Neronoia is nothing. but to us, it is important.


Copertina 7,5
Sapore Di Luce E Di Pietra (Eibon Records / 2013) 

1. XXI / 2. XXII / 3. XXIII / 4. XXIV / 5. XXV / 6. XXVI / 7. XXVII / 8. XXVIII / 9. XXIX / 10. XXX

Copertina 8
Il Rumore Delle Cose (Eibon Records / 2008) 

1. XI / 2. XII / 3. XII / 4. XIV / 5. XV / 6. XVI / 7. XVII / 8. XVIII / 9. XIX / 10. XX

Copertina 9
Un Mondo In Me (Eibon / 2006) 

1. I / 2. II / 3. III / 4. IV / 5. V / 6. VI / 7. VII / 8. VIII / 9. IX / 10. X


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