


Attività:dal 1999

Line up

  • Wroth: guitars, vocals
  • Zhaaral: guitars, vocals
  • Yhs: bass, vocals
Darkspace was founded by Wroth, Zorgh and Zhaaral in 1999 in Berne (Switzerland). In two decades four albums and an EP were released: "Dark Space -I" to "Dark Space III I". The band rarely appeared live. In 2019 Zorgh quit while the band was awarded the Music Prize of the Canton of Berne for the creation of their soundscapes and their atmospheric performances. In 2022 Yhs joined Wroth and Zhaaral to complete the three again


Copertina 8,5
Dark Space -II (Season of Mist / 2024) 

1. DARK -2.-2

Copertina 8,5
Dark Space III I (Avantgarde Music / 2014) 

1. DARK 4.18 / 2. DARK 4.19 / 3. DARK 4.20

Copertina 7
Dark Space -I (Avantgarde Music / 2012) 

1. DARK -1.-1 / 2. DARK -1.0

Copertina 7
Dark Space III (Avantgarde Music / 2008) 

1. DARK 3.11 / 2. DARK 3.12 / 3. DARK 3.13 / 4. DARK 3.14 / 5. DARK 3.15 / 6. DARK 3.16 / 7. DARK 3.17

Dark Space II (Haunter of the Dark / 2005) 

1. DARK 2.8 / 2. DARK 2.9 / 3. DARK 2.10

Dark Space I (Haunter of the Dark / 2003) 

1. DARK 1.1 / 2. DARK 1.2 / 3. DARK 1.3 / 4. DARK 1.4 / 5. DARK 1.5 / 6. DARK 1.6 / 7. DARK 1.7

Dark Space -I (Self-released/independent / 2002)  Demo

1. DARK -1.-1 / 2. DARK -1.0


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Live report

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