

Attività:dal 2008

Line up

  • Demetrio Scopelliti: guitars
Demetrio Scopelliti, a.k.a. Dimitry, was born in Italy in 1980.

He started playing guitar at the age of 13 in the band Vertigo with some friends of his at the high school.

In 1997 he joined Arcadia, still being his actual main project, and played all over Italy for about one year before entering the studio for the first Arcadia demo tape called "The war of silence".

Although it was just the beginning, this demo turned out great for the band and was a top demo on the main European magazines and was even followed by an Italian tour between 1998 and 1999.

In the same period Dimitry started attending the lessons of the teacher Enrico Benvenuto, lead guitar player of the Italian Death metal band Dammercide and used to practice very hard night and day.

In July 1999 he entered the studio again to record the new Arcadia Cd-Demo: "Trust".

This demo gained a lot of success on the Italian press and the band was contacted by No Brain Records for the first full length album "Synth" in 2001.

The recording sessions took place in Venice (Italy).

In the meantime Dimitry joined the well known Italian band Infection Code and started touring with them as well as with Arcadia.

But something was missing in his musician career. He realized that he needed a more serious study background and in 2000 he decided to attend the famous European Music Institute CPM in Milan with the famous teacher Donato Begotti.

Then he started studying different music styles: jazz, fusion, blues, funky, practicing something like 8-10 hours a day.

In June 2004 he got his degree with a really high evaluation. In the same year he started giving private lessons in his home studio and in Septemper 2004 he entered Nadir studios (Genoa - Italy), managed by the great producer Tommy Talamanca, to record Arcadia new album "Fracture Concrete".
In November he moved to Los Angeles with Arcadia to play for a while in the Californian area.

He lived in Hollywood for six month and played in the whole east coast area; in the USA the band signed a contract with the Sinergy management owned by Mr. David Brown.

In downtown L.A. he started rehearsing with the Lauren Mayew band, famous singer and actress in Hollywood.

In July 2005 he came back to the L.A. area, this time with the support of RG Production which in the past had already booked the band in a very big festival (Sun & Steel) in Florida with Testament, Deicide, Prong, Trivium and others.

In 2006 he joined the cover band Triba for some rehearsals and gigs in the north of Italy.

Arcadia also shoot the first "Fracture Concrete" video of the song "Sick Sick Sick".

The new Arcadia promo-cd was out in 2006 and Dimitry started working as a producer in his home studio as well as in "Studio A" and produced bands like Black Monday, Etb, OBC, Brown Sugar as well as another Arcadia album: "Cold Cold Bodies".

This album was out by Valery Records in November 2007 after the band Arcadia had left on a European tour twice in the same year.

Dimitry also got an endorsement contract with the company Bulk Music which provide him with strings and picks and was contacted by the Italian music school Università Popolare to teach acoustic guitar.

"Evolution", Dimitry's first album, was released on 15 September 2008. The recording session lasted from March to August 2008 and Dimitry worked on this record during the breaks from the "mother" band ARCADIA.

The album is digitally distributed by Tunecore rec. and physically by CDBaby in more than 2.400 record stores in the USA and Mailorders in EUROPE.

Soon after the album was out, the CD attracted the attention of the music industry and the musical instrument company PEAVEY offered Dimitry an endorsement regarding their amplifiers. You can check Dimitry's page on the Peavey catalog.

Since September 2008 Dimitry has been teaching electric and acoustic guitar in Skien (Norway) and gives "intensive rock guitar lessons" when he is not on tour.

In January 2009 he got endorsed by Morley Pedals.

Dimitry also recorded and produced the latest Arcadia album, "Roy Philip Nohl", that was out in 2010.


Copertina 7,5
Codex Magika (Autoproduzione / 2012) 


Copertina 7,5
Evolution (2008) 



Intervista Dimitry (Demetrio Scopelliti)

(28 novembre 2012) “Codex Magika” è il nuovo disco solista di Dimitry, alias Demetrio Scopelliti, attivissimo musicista italiano già all’attivo con gli Arcadia, del quale è fondatore nonché...

Dimitry (Demetrio Scopelliti)

(26 novembre 2008) Come è nata l’idea di fare un disco solista? Penso che il titolo “Evolution” sia molto emblematico. “ Mah…Era una cosa che pensavo da almeno 4 o 5 anni ma non avevo mai avuto il tempo...

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